NSLD library card and PIN required to access.
eRead Illinois (Boundless App)
A browsing collection of fiction and nonfiction eBooks and eAudiobooks for all ages. Download the free Boundless app for easy access on your mobile device. PIN not required.
Instantly borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, movies, and music. To get started, download the free Hoopla app from your mobile device’s app store, or go online to hoopladigital.com.
Inkie.org Library
Read classic books and novels by Illinois authors for free. No library card required.
Kanopy/Kanopy Kids
An online database that includes independent, international, classic, and documentary films from The Criterion Collection, PBS, and Great Courses. Children’s movies and shows are available through Kanopy Kids. Download the Kanopy app on your mobile device to watch on the go! You can also access Kanopy through the Libby App.
OMNI/OverDrive® (Libby App)
Access free eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and movies. Download Libby by OverDrive from your app provider.
TumbleBook Library
Browse an online collection of animated talking books, picture books, read-a-longs, puzzles, games, chapter books, Accelerated Reader titles, language learning, audiobooks, and more. For ages K-8.